New episodes every Wednesday morning.

#16 Making Christ Real in the Home
Our conversation this week is about “Making Christ real in the home.” As Orthodox Christians this is an important question: How do we make Christ real in our homes? It is so easy to just become Sunday Christians where, Christianity becomes to some people at least, something that they do on Sunday only. What about the rest of the week? Their ways, attitudes, language and behavior may be far away from Christianity completely. How then do we make Christ a central part of everyday family life? Tune into our conversation to learn more about this important subject.

#14 Copts and Race in America
Copts and race in America is certainly an interesting subject that brings to mind many questions, particular incidents and views. For example, after 911, on September 15, 2001, Adel Karas, a forty-eight-year-old Coptic Christian, and father of three, was shot and killed at his convenience store in San Gabriel, California. Most likely mistaken for a Muslim by his perpetrators. The second bizarre incident is one that my guest mentioned previously, of a young Copt visiting the Bible Museum in DC and was arrested for no reason and interrogated by the FBI. Again, another case of stereotyping and mistaken identity. How does American society and politicians in DC in particular view the Copts, do they consider us a single-issue race, meaning that we are only interested in the plight of the Copts in Egypt or is this view changing and Copts now are more involved in many issues concerning wider American life? These and many other questions concerning Copts and race in America will be discussed in this episode with my special guest Dr Candace Lukasik.
Supplemental Resources:
https://www.jstor.org/stable/40543386?seq=1 https://www.jstor.org/stable/41858491?seq=1

#13 Coptic Immigration to North America
This episode rotates around the topic of Coptic immigration to North America. Copts began immigrating to the US as early as the late 1940’s. After 1952, the rate of Coptic immigration from Egypt to Canada and the United States increased. Immigration to Canada outpaced the US until the inauguration of more lenient procedures in 1965. In general, Coptic immigration rose steadily throughout North America, Europe, and Australia in the coming decades. We see a further influx of Copts to the US and Canada after the 2011 revolution in Egypt, fleeing instability and violence there. With hundreds of Coptic Orthodox churches in the United States alone (along with over 90 congregations in Canada), it is estimated that there are over one million Coptic Orthodox Christians in North America. Coptic immigration has so many facets to it and we obviously cannot cover everything in one episode, but we will discuss some important aspects in this episode.
Resources: Dr Candace Lukasik: https://thecchp.com/2017/06/25/land-migration-and-memory/ https://publicorthodoxy.org/2018/08/27/modernity-murder-and-coptic-identity/ https://publicorthodoxy.org/2020/02/20/copts-debating-christmas/
https://salamamoussa.com/2018/03/17/immigration-and-the-reinvention-of-identity-part-i/ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/coptic-church/555515/
Dr Michael Akladios Peer-Reviewed
“Heteroglossia, Interpretation and the Experiences of Coptic Immigrants from Egypt in North America, 1955-1975,” Histoire Sociale / Social History 53.109 (Fall 2020): [pre-print online].
“Navigating Sacred Spaces: Coptic Immigrants in 1960s Toronto,” Left History 21.1 (Fall/Winter 2018): 109-122. Editorials Co-authored with Candace Lukasik,
“Debating Christmas Day: Copts, Calendars and the Immigrants’ Church,” Public Orthodoxy, February 20, 2020.
“Interview with Michael Akladios: Mundane Transnationalism,” CCHP, November 24, 2019.
“Stop Victim-Blaming Egypt’s Copts,” Mada Masr English, November 5, 2018 / “توقفوا عن لوم الضحايا من أقباط مصر,” Mada Masr, November 13, 2018.
“Celebrating ‘Ordinary’: The CCHP and the Coptic Immigrant Experience,” Coptic Voice US, October 23, 2018.
“Conversations with Egyptian Uber Drivers: Why Emigrate? Why Canada?” Active History, October 2, 2017.
“Arab-Canadian Foodscapes and Authenticity,” Active History, May 12, 2016.
The CCHP has facilitated the collection and preservation of letters, photographs, books, magazines, and academic journals documenting the Coptic experience in Canada. The records are available for consultation at the Clara Thomas Archives, York University. https://thecchp.com/archives/
The CCHP welcomes submissions of scholarly articles and immigrants’ stories for publication. Please follow the link to find the guidelines and information on how to submit. https://thecchp.com/about/digital-cafe-2/
To learn about the transition to Egypt Migrations, visit: https://thecchp.com/2020/09/06/from-cchp-to-egypt-migrations/

#09 Joy in Times of Suffering Part 2
(Links at bottom)
This is an interesting conversation with the author of "Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church." The author of this book is Phoebe Farag Mikhail from Northern New Jersey. In her inaugural book she describes what joy is and isn't. She also shares stories from her daily life to highlight how to implement the seven ways of living joyfully from the early Church. This book was a #1 bestseller on Amazon in the Christian Orthodoxy category. Phoebe cautions us in this insightful book of the joy thieves and describes them like little animals that steal tomatoes from the garden. The seven practices that Phoebe unravels take us on a spiritual journey in how to live a fulfilled and joyful life. This is Part 1 of a two part conversation. I hope you tune in and learn some practical ways of how joy can enrich your life. Online Retreat in November Paraclete Press is hosting an online retreat with Phoebe Farag Mikhail on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 2:30-4:30 pm. The topic is “Giving Thanks in Troubled Times.” There is a 30% discount for groups of five or more registering. For group registrations, please contact Sister Estelle Cole at srestelle@paracletepress.com or 774-801-2041.
For individual registration, follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/giving-thanks-in-troubled-times-tickets-117930702907?aff=Phoebe
Follow Phoebe Farag Mikhail at:Being in Community: beingincommunity.comFacebook: @phoebefaragmikhailauthor or @beingincommunityTwitter: @pkfarag Instagram: @pkfarag
Recommended books
Putting Joy Into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church by Phoebe Farag Mikhail. (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gHyTFa
The Life of Repentance and Purity by HH Pope Shenouda III: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2QDNSpl
Balance of the Heart by Tamav Lois Farag: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2YKrrDh
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, Translated by Sr. Benedicta Ward: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3lz3qc5
On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius the Apostolic: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3hVVq2o
Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church by Fr. Tadros Malaty (free PDF download): http://copticchurch.net/topics/thecopticchurch/Intro_to_the_Coptic_Church_fr_yacoub_malaty.pdf
For the Life of the World by Fr. Alexander Schmemann: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34NKBf7
I Live Again by Princess Ileana of Romania/Mother Alexandra: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2GdsxRA
Hospital of the Queen’s Heart by Princess Ileana of Romania/Mother Alexandra: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2YLEg00
This Child of Faith by Sophfronia Scott and Tain Gregory: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34LXypW
On Social Justice by St. Basil the Great: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/31Kq4q1
Letters to St. Olympia by St. John Chrysostom: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3lAKQjG
A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity by Dr. Vince Bantu: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2EMuJPk
Lights on the Mountain by Cheryl Anne Tuggle: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/32Kfw9P
The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears by Dinaw Mengstu: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gGPtFf
Baking Cakes in Kigali by Gail Parkin: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/31IEDu7
For children
Painting Angels, the third book in the Sam and Saucer series by Melinda Johnson: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/32FF2wL
Philo, Rose and the Joy Super Holy by Mireille Mishriky: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34JtZp0
She has a new book out in this series, Philo and the Goodness Super Holy: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2EHWMPZ
Putting Joy Into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church by Phoebe Farag Mikhail. (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gHyTFa

#08 Joy in Times of Suffering Part 1
(Links at bottom)
This is an interesting conversation with the author of "Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church." The author of this book is Phoebe Farag Mikhail from Northern New Jersey. In her inaugural book she describes what joy is and isn't. She also shares stories from her daily life to highlight how to implement the seven ways of living joyfully from the early Church. This book was a #1 bestseller on Amazon in the Christian Orthodoxy category. Phoebe cautions us in this insightful book of the joy thieves and describes them like little animals that steal tomatoes from the garden. The seven practices that Phoebe unravels take us on a spiritual journey in how to live a fulfilled and joyful life. This is Part 1 of a two part conversation. I hope you tune in and learn some practical ways of how joy can enrich your life. Online Retreat in November Paraclete Press is hosting an online retreat with Phoebe Farag Mikhail on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 2:30-4:30 pm. The topic is “Giving Thanks in Troubled Times.” There is a 30% discount for groups of five or more registering. For group registrations, please contact Sister Estelle Cole at srestelle@paracletepress.com or 774-801-2041.
For individual registration, follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/giving-thanks-in-troubled-times-tickets-117930702907?aff=Phoebe
Follow Phoebe Farag Mikhail at:Being in Community: beingincommunity.comFacebook: @phoebefaragmikhailauthor or @beingincommunityTwitter: @pkfarag Instagram: @pkfarag
Recommended books
Putting Joy Into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church by Phoebe Farag Mikhail. (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gHyTFa
The Life of Repentance and Purity by HH Pope Shenouda III: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2QDNSpl
Balance of the Heart by Tamav Lois Farag: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2YKrrDh
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, Translated by Sr. Benedicta Ward: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3lz3qc5
On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius the Apostolic: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3hVVq2o
Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church by Fr. Tadros Malaty (free PDF download): http://copticchurch.net/topics/thecopticchurch/Intro_to_the_Coptic_Church_fr_yacoub_malaty.pdf
For the Life of the World by Fr. Alexander Schmemann: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34NKBf7
I Live Again by Princess Ileana of Romania/Mother Alexandra: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2GdsxRA
Hospital of the Queen’s Heart by Princess Ileana of Romania/Mother Alexandra: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2YLEg00
This Child of Faith by Sophfronia Scott and Tain Gregory: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34LXypW
On Social Justice by St. Basil the Great: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/31Kq4q1
Letters to St. Olympia by St. John Chrysostom: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3lAKQjG
A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity by Dr. Vince Bantu: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2EMuJPk
Lights on the Mountain by Cheryl Anne Tuggle: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/32Kfw9P
The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears by Dinaw Mengstu: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gGPtFf
Baking Cakes in Kigali by Gail Parkin: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/31IEDu7
For children
Painting Angels, the third book in the Sam and Saucer series by Melinda Johnson: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/32FF2wL
Philo, Rose and the Joy Super Holy by Mireille Mishriky: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/34JtZp0
She has a new book out in this series, Philo and the Goodness Super Holy: (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2EHWMPZ
Putting Joy Into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church by Phoebe Farag Mikhail. (Affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3gHyTFa

#07 Exodus Youth Worx: An Innovative Ministry for Youth in Crisis (Part 3)
"Tattoos on the Heart" by Gregory Boyle (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/2XRbtGZ
First Fleet resources
1 .James Squire - A First Fleet ancestor of Debbie Armanious https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Squire
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Fleet
3. https://tinyurl.com/d4o2nnm

#06 Exodus Youth Worx: An Innovative Ministry for Youth in Crisis (Part 2)
"Tattoos on the Heart" by Gregory Boyle (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/2XRbtGZ
First Fleet resources
1 .James Squire - A First Fleet ancestor of Debbie Armanious https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Squire
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Fleet
3. https://tinyurl.com/d4o2nnm

#05 Exodus Youth Worx: An Innovative Ministry for Youth in Crisis (Part 1)
"Tattoos on the Heart" by Gregory Boyle (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/2XRbtGZ
First Fleet resources
1 .James Squire - A First Fleet ancestor of Debbie Armanious https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Squire
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Fleet
3. https://tinyurl.com/d4o2nnm

#04 Metropolitan Serapion: Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry in Los Angeles (Part 4)
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion celebrates his Silver Jubilee this year and as part of the celebrations I thought that it is extremely important to crown this podcast with a four part series with His Eminence. In the next two episodes #03 and #04, we will continue our lively discussion which I am sure you will all enjoy and benefit from. Here, we will have a conversation about His Eminence’s ministry in Los Angeles. We will hear first hand about the obstacles and achievements along the 25 years and much more. His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion has led the Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California and Hawaii faithfully over the past 25 years. He has served with great wisdom and zeal. His Eminence’s vision is remarkable and distinguished with innovation, while at the same time preserving the faith and tradition of the Coptic Church. This man of God places the pastoral needs of his flock as a top priority in his ministry. His great emphasis on both religious and theological education is evident. As the former auxiliary bishop in Egypt for Public, Ecumenical and Social Services, he has not neglected this ministry in Los Angeles. His Eminence established the Department of Diakonia, led by Bishop Abraham to continue the work in LA. He also established the Department of Education, led by Bishop Kyrillos to advance religious and theological education. Do not miss out on this episode to learn from his thoughtful insights on many aspects of his long and successful ministry.

#03 Metropolitan Serapion: Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry in Los Angeles (Part 3)
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion celebrates his Silver Jubilee this year and as part of the celebrations I thought that it is extremely important to crown this podcast with a four part series with His Eminence. In the next two episodes #03 and #04, we will continue our lively discussion which I am sure you will all enjoy and benefit from. Here, we will have a conversation about His Eminence’s ministry in Los Angeles. We will hear first hand about the obstacles and achievements along the 25 years and much more. His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion has led the Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California and Hawaii faithfully over the past 25 years. He has served with great wisdom and zeal. His Eminence’s vision is remarkable and distinguished with innovation, while at the same time preserving the faith and tradition of the Coptic Church. This man of God places the pastoral needs of his flock as a top priority in his ministry. His great emphasis on both religious and theological education is evident. As the former auxiliary bishop in Egypt for Public, Ecumenical and Social Services, he has not neglected this ministry in Los Angeles. His Eminence established the Department of Diakonia, led by Bishop Abraham to continue the work in LA. He also established the Department of Education, led by Bishop Kyrillos to advance religious and theological education. Do not miss out on this episode to learn from his thoughtful insights on many aspects of his long and successful ministry.

#02 Metropolitan Serapion: Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry in Los Angeles (Part 2)
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion celebrates his Silver Jubilee this year and as part of the celebrations I thought that it is extremely important to crown this podcast with a four part series with His Eminence. The next two episodes, namely episodes #01 and #02 we will hear about his early life and about those who influenced him in his study and early religious life. It is a lively discussion which I am sure you will all enjoy and benefit from. Later in episodes #06 and #07 we will have a conversation about His Eminence’s ministry in Los Angeles. We will hear first hand about the obstacles and achievements along the 25 years and much more.
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion has led the Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California and Hawaii faithfully over the past 25 years. He has served with great wisdom and zeal. His Eminence’s vision is remarkable and distinguished with innovation, while at the same time preserving the faith and tradition of the Coptic Church. This man of God places the pastoral needs of his flock as a top priority in his ministry.
His great emphasis on both religious and theological education is evident. As the former auxiliary bishop in Egypt for Public, Ecumenical and Social Services, he has not neglected this ministry in Los Angeles. His Eminence established the Department of Diakonia, led by Bishop Abraham to continue the work in LA. He also established the Department of Education, led by Bishop Kyrillos to advance religious and theological education. Do not miss out on this episode to learn from his thoughtful insights on many aspects of his long and successful ministry.

#01 Metropolitan Serapion: Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry in Los Angeles (Part 1)
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion celebrates his Silver Jubilee this year and as part of the celebrations I thought that it is extremely important to crown this podcast with a four part series with His Eminence. The next two episodes, namely episodes #01 and #02 we will hear about his early life and about those who influenced him in his study and early religious life. It is a lively discussion which I am sure you will all enjoy and benefit from. Later in episodes #06 and #07 we will have a conversation about His Eminence’s ministry in Los Angeles. We will hear first hand about the obstacles and achievements along the 25 years and much more.
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion has led the Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California and Hawaii faithfully over the past 25 years. He has served with great wisdom and zeal. His Eminence’s vision is remarkable and distinguished with innovation, while at the same time preserving the faith and tradition of the Coptic Church. This man of God places the pastoral needs of his flock as a top priority in his ministry.
His great emphasis on both religious and theological education is evident. As the former auxiliary bishop in Egypt for Public, Ecumenical and Social Services, he has not neglected this ministry in Los Angeles. His Eminence established the Department of Diakonia, led by Bishop Abraham to continue the work in LA. He also established the Department of Education, led by Bishop Kyrillos to advance religious and theological education. Do not miss out on this episode to learn from his thoughtful insights on many aspects of his long and successful ministry.